The orders are generally shipped via Bluedart, Speed Post, etc.
The shipping charges are given on our website and you can find an estimate of the total shipping charges after you have added an item to your cart.
At Etiquette, we make every possible effort to make sure you receive the ordered product at the earliest. Products are shipped from the warehouse typically within 3 to 5 days of the order being placed. If the product you order is not in our inventory and we need to ship it for you through our suppliers, it may take a day or two more to reach you. If the product is present in stock and we receive the order by Monday to Friday 10:30-6:30 IST Monday through Friday, we shall be shipping it on the same day. Kindly remember that the shipping days are only from Monday to Friday. So, if you place an order on a Saturday or a Sunday, it will not be shipped until Monday.
Please inspect the arrived order for any form of damage or mishandling before the delivery personnel departs. You are liable to follow the freight carrierโs policy regarding the handling of any damaged shipments. Most of our freight carriers will require your signature beside the damage notice, if any.
If any flaw in the product is discovered after the package has been opened by you, contact our Customer Service team at 8450000585 and report the exact issue immediately along with the order ID (provided in the email notification sent by us). Necessary arrangements will be made to pick up the damaged goods and provide you with a replacement (subject to the terms and policies laid out by us).
We value customer satisfaction above everything else on this planet! In the unlikely case that you are not entirely satisfied with the product you have purchased from us, feel free to contact our customer care and/or leave us a mail. We accept returns or exchanges within 7 days of purchase. Returns will be refunded to the user account that was used to purchase the product and exchanges (of the same amount) are free. However, we request you to kindly make sure that the product is not unfolded, faded with washing or stained during this period. In order to initiate an exchange or a return, send an email toย and we will get back to you pronto! Do not forget to include your order number and the reason for return in the mail. Refunds should reflect in your account within 7 to 10 days of initiation by our accounts team. Products, once exchanged, may not be exchanged again.
We charge shipping incase of discounted/ sale product is returned.ย ย